header image of tractor in dry field

The Route for the Convoy For Change

For those that are joining the Convoy For Change or want to watch our convoy roll by, here’s the map of the route. The beginning point is just outside of Merrill, and there is a jump-on spot on Spring Lake Road.

If you have trouble using the map on this page, you can find the route on Google Maps.

Please remember to obey all traffic rules, and be courteous to other’s on the road – even if they’re not being courteous to you. When the convoy gets to Main Street, the lights will be flashing yellows – not green. If your car, pickup, truck or tractor has problems, please let someone know and we’ll get a service rig to you.

Lastly, thank you for joining Shut Down & Fed Up in our Convoy For Change! Let’s get out there and get the attention our Klamath Basin communities need!